miércoles, 3 de abril de 2019

Class 03/04


Resultado de imagen para past lives
The soul is not born; it does not die; it was not produced from anyone…; Unborn, eternal, it is not slain, though the body is slain.  – Katha Upanishad
I am certain that I have been here as I am now a thousand times before, and I hope to return a thousand times.  – Goethe

☆ Bridget's Website: http://bridgetnielsen.com Bridget's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bridgetnielsen

  • Flor, watch the video and write down 5 interesting ideas you can elaborate on her account. 
  • Did you like it? why? why not? 

Remember to keep a record of all the tasks, homework, exercises, etc. we´ll be doing during and after each class, so that you can send me a photo of your notes for me to check your progress.

Resultado de imagen para past lives

  • For next class, be ready to give me your opinion about the video and also a very brief account of all the lives you have lived, today you have told me you had been an aboriginal girl who was slaughtered by a Spanish guy, for example.

Great class!!! I loved it!!! You are a terrific speaker!!! Trust your wisdom!!!

Love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

☆ Bridget's Website: http://bridgetnielsen.com

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